The Landlady Roald Dahl Summary

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The name of this story is The Landlady and it is by Roald Dahl. In this story there is a lot of fascinating things where there is things that are just to good to be true. In this story, things will seem to be nice and cosy. Roald Dahl creates a sense of foreboding by making the Landlady seem too nice and very creepy. Billy Weaver doesn't know whats coming to him. This quote comes from the fifth and last page. The author includes a quote, "seventeen! She cried. Oh, it's a perfect age." In my opinion I think it is very weird. It is also weird because she just wouldn't scream out it's a perfect age because every age is a perfect age. Nobody would just do that. This is one of the things that is not that serious but it does add a little

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