The Juvie Three: The Evolving Door Of Mistakes

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Sometimes life seems to be a revolving door of mistakes, but eventually we find our way out of the rotation; that day is the day we grow, for we learned from our mistakes and rose above them. Some people say that mistakes are nature’s way of teaching you. This may be true to an extent, and it’s understandable to want to be smart, but do you really have to learn by constant mistakes? The Juvie Three is a must-read tale that teaches a valuable lesson that holds true even for today’s teenagers: you should think before you act, because every action has a reaction, whether it is good or bad. In The Juvie Three, the author uses conflict to teach that you should think before you act because every action has a reaction, whether it is good or bad. …show more content…

I plan to go somewhere but then at the last minute forgot I didn’t plan on how I'm getting home, since I didn’t thoroughly think my plan through, I now have no ride home. Without a doubt, all teenagers can learn from the author’s valuable lesson of how not thinking something through, can end up with you in a bad position. I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to others! This book is about making mistakes, where they can lead you, and just how ugly that path may be. We can all relate to making mistakes, it’s human nature to mess up occasionally. First they all done their own things to get thrown in a juvenile detention center, and then more mistakes are made once they get out, but they are trying to straighten up for the most part. Sometimes life seems to be a revolving door of mistakes, but eventually we find our way out of the rotation; that day is the day we grow, for we learned from our mistakes and rose above them. The book continues to show that sometimes, if we let things go so far, we have no choice but to straighten up. For example, have you ever told a little lie and then people keep asking questions, causing you to lie more, and by the end of all the questions, you’re so caught up in this lie you have to give yourself in. We see this by Terrance wanting to keep messing up, but once Healy ends up in the hospital, he has no choice but to straighten up. I also have been drawn to

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