The Ivory Game Analysis

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Did you know that elephants will attempt to hide their tusks when humans are watching them? Per Craig Millar, who is head of security for the Big Life Foundation in Kenya, elephants do this because they understand the value of their own tusks. (The Ivory Game) African elephants are on the verge of extinction due to the rising number of deaths caused by poachers killing them for their ivory. A documentary released in 2016, called The Ivory Game, directed by both Kief Davidson, and Richard Ladkani help shine light on this dilemma; seeking support to end it once and for all. Regardless of already knowing the cost of ivory had on elephants, The Ivory Game, successfully broadened my horizon on the impact this trafficking trade is having on the existence …show more content…

The Chinese government distributes around five tons of ivory each year to markets whose demands are much higher, therefore leading to the illegal marketing of ivory. Furthermore, Hong Kong’s government system was also brought into the light, thanks to an investigative journalist who appeared in The Ivory Game, by the name of Hongxiang Huang. While there, he spoke to an ivory dealer that explained the process of selling illegal ivory through a flawed government system. The ivory that he sales is considered legal, because he registered it without specifying an exact amount when it was outlawed, thus he can fill his inventory with illegal ivory allowing him to sale it with no repercussions. If he can get away with selling ivory through this process, how many other people are using the same flawed system to sale theirs? When Hongxiang Huang visited a local village in Vietnam, he once again proved the system is broken by learning that ivory is transported across the border to China by bribing the police on both sides. In other words, they can use a small fraction of their earnings to pay off law enforcement to continue trafficking the ivory. If the government can’t fix these defective systems first, then there will be no hope for saving the African …show more content…

The directors did a terrific job of integrating these points into the documentary, not to mention, exposing the corrupt businesses and illegal smugglers. In addition, I now have a better understanding why people are involved with the ivory trade. After watching this film, I just can’t wrap my head around why human beings value an item that is stolen from another living being more than the life of that creature itself. I now see the life of these creatures through a new perspective, and I for one, will never purchase an item that contains any traces of ivory in it. Hopefully, this film can impact others the way it has successfully impacted me. If not, we will be losing a distinct creature from the animal kingdom. The world needs to come together now to defend these animals before it’s too late, or these precious mammals will continue to be slaughtered across

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