The Inheritance Of Natural Selection

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Everyone inherits their genes from their parents. James Nasmyth once said that “Our history begins before we are born. We represent the hereditary influences of our race, and our ancestors virtually live in us.” This is true because we are made of cells and each cell contains inherited DNA. Our DNA carries genetic information we inherited from our ancestors, but the environment we live in can affect this DNA. Nonetheless, testing our genomes can provide information for differentiating between the traits we have inherited from our ancestors and those that the environment shaped. Although, the traits are inherited from parents to offspring, they can be affected by the environment. According to a podcast “Radiolab: Inheritance,” scientists did an experiment on rat pups from two different mothers, one set of mothers would lick their pups and the others would not lick their pups. Eventually, when the rat pups grew, they did the same thing to their pups. This is due to the level of serotonin. The pups that were licked by their mothers had a higher level of serotonin than the pups that were not licked. A different set of pups were eventually switched with …show more content…

Natural selection is the process where organisms with favorable traits are more likely to reproduce. When natural selection affects humans in a certain population, it can alter their traits. In the article called “The Naked Truth,” a recent finding suggests that the naked skin was a key factor in the rise of other human traits. Compared to our ancestors, we are less hairy. The reason we started to lose body hair is related to the need for controlling body temperature. Our ancestors probably had to move to a different environment, perhaps in the tropics, where they could find food and water. Therefore, the result in the adaptation of humans to have less hair is due to natural selection, which changed their gene expression because of the different

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