The Influence Of Ideologies In The Formulation Of Social Policies

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Why do some countries have free universal healthcare and others require their citizens to insure themselves? Why is it that in some countries the retirement benefit a person receives is highly dependent on the amount of work they have done in earlier life whereas in others there is not so much difference made between the elderly? Furthermore, why is it that in Scotland people get to educate themselves in higher level academia for free but The English have to pay thousands of pounds for almost equivalent service? All in all, they are bare citizens living on the same island, with similar culture, speaking the same language and having much the same living standards. It is hardly the case that tens of thousands of euros paid for education in US pay off significantly more than an equivalent degree in Switzerland where the tuition is several times less. So why is there such a difference? The answer, as argued in present essay, is ‘politics’.
The following work is tries to demonstrate that in order to understand a social policy a country has committed to, one needs to understand the ideologies that have become more dominant in a society. In order to make the case cohesive I have decided to look at one specific policy, higher education, and see whether the ideological influences are visible there. The essay comes in two main parts. Firstly, we will look into the classical division of ideologies and the work Esping-Andersen has done. Secondly, we construct a case seeing how the dominant ideologies present in Sweden, France and UK have resulted in a specific higher education system.

A policy is devised by politicians who have certain belifs on how a society must be governed. Politicians with similar belifs come toge...

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Esping-Andersen, G. (1990). Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Heckmann, C., & Marin, I. (2013). EAG 2013 - Country note, Sweden. Retrieved from
Project-ICHEFA. (2008a). Higher Education Finance and Cost-Sharing in Sweden. Buffalo, NY. Retrieved from
Project-ICHEFA. (2008b). Higher Education Finance and Cost Sharing in France. Buffalo, NY. Retrieved from
Project-ICHEFA. (2008c). Higher Education Finance and Cost-Sharing in the United Kingdom. Buffalo, NY. Retrieved from
Statistics Sweden. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2014, from

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