The Importance of Characters in a Story

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The Importance of Characters in a Story Many people do not realize the importance of the characters in a story. Most readers usually identify themselves with the character's features making the story interesting. Many young kids may like to read about superheroes because they want to be like them, or young adults may feel they have something in common with the character that has great expectations about life. However, a plain description of a place would never be as much interesting as a story that has characters that readers can relate to them by their actions or features. Authors use different methods to create characters that can be easily related to the reader. John Updike wrote the story "A & P" in first person. The cashier Sammy, the protagonist who is a nineteen-year-old man, gives a very detailed description of the minor characters. He focuses on three girls that come in to the store wearing only swimsuits. "She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of white under it, where the sun never seems to hit, at the top of the back of her legs" (606). The author uses detailed descriptions in order to give a better understanding of the physical features of these three characters. Besides the detailed descriptions, he uses comparisons also. He describes and old lady and also compares her to a witch "if she'd been born at the right time they would have burned over in Salem" (606). The actions from the characters in the story, tells us sometimes what the person is like. The girl from the story "Enough" by Alice McDermott, has a very particular way to eat ice cream: "She does not load the spoon up and then run the stuff in and out of her mouth, studying each time the shape her lips had made ( 'Look how cross-eyed she gets when she's gazing at it')" (145). She eats the ice cream in an addictive way. Eating ice cream like that, is not going to keep

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