The Importance Of Professional Nursing

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Professional nursing means diverse things to different individuals. Some define nursing as their calling and others may state they aspired to become a nurse since they were a child. I did not intend to select nursing as a career. In many respects, I believe I became a nurse long before I ever attended nursing school. Nursing is a demanding, intense, technical occupation that requires extensive education and training. However, nursing is more than education. Nurses must possess an endless supply of kindness and an infinite store of compassion. It is my belief that this is something that one cannot teach; a person either has this type of kindness and compassion, or they do not. For many years I never considered nursing as a career because …show more content…

She must also be an advocate for the patient, ensuring that the needs and wishes of the patient are met, to the best of her ability. Continuing education to maintain best practice skills and maintaining professional relationships with the multidisciplinary care team are essential to ensure communication lines are open when advocating for the patient. An important consideration for nurses to remember is their purpose in caring for the patient. According to McDonald (2013), Florence Nightingale once said that nurses and hospitals exist for patients, not the other way around. Our purpose is to be present for the patient. Being present means being open to the patient needs, whether they are physical, emotional, spiritual, positive or negative. By being present and allowing the patient to express their requirements, a deeper relationship may be formed and trust developed. This creates the basis for a holistic avenue of …show more content…

I define the patient as consisting of the person I am caring for as well as any loved ones or others present. Health comprises of the optimal condition the patient defines for himself. I endeavor to provide quality, evidence-based care, be present in the situation, develop and advocate for my patient within the multidisciplinary team. Education teaches the science of nursing. However, providing compassionate, competent, holistic care is truly the art of nursing. References Dossey, B. M. (2010, September/October). Holistic nursing: From Florence Nightingale’s historical legacy to 21st-century global nursing. Alternative Therapies in Health and Nursing, 16(5), 14-16. Hanucharumkul, S., & Turale, S. (2017). Integration: The uniqueness of nursing practice. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 21(2), 93-96. McDonald, L. (2013). What would Florence Nightingale say? British Journal of Nursing, 22(9), 542. Sitzman, K., & Wright Eichelberger, L. (2017). Understanding the work of nurse theorists: A creative beginning (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones &

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