The Importance Of Photosynthesis

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Photosynthesis is the process in which living cells from plants and other organisms use sunlight to produce nutrients from carbon dioxide and water, the image below “Diagram of photosynthesis 1,” helps show this process. Photosynthesise generally creates oxygen as a by-product through the use of the green pigment, chlorophyll, found in the plant that helps this reaction occur. “Photosynthesis provides us with most of the oxygen we need in order to breathe. We, in turn, exhale the carbon dioxide needed by plants,” (factmonster,2017). This is able to show us why photosynthesis is so greatly needed to occur through plants in order to give one another essentials needed for continuity of life. “Plants perform photosynthesis because it generates the food and energy they need for growth and cellular respiration,” (photosynthesieeducation, 2016).
Photosynthesis is a cycle plants go through converting light into chemical energy for use later. Photosynthesis starts in the chloroplasts, they capture chlorophyll, an important chemical needed for photosynthesis. Chloroplasts also take water, carbon dioxide, oxygen and glucose. The chlorophyll is taken to the stroma, where carbon dioxide and water mix together to make …show more content…

“Action spectrums describes the efficiency with which specific wavelengths produce a photochemical reaction. Photosynthesis involves the harvesting of light (absorption spectrum) and the subsequent photochemical and biochemical reactions. Meaning, an action spectrum describes the wavelengths that actually drive photosynthesis,” (heliospectra,2017). It can show the effect it has on photosynthesis if one of the wavelengths was to be taken away, it gives us not only a better understanding of how photosynthesis works but also the plant and how chlorophyll work and the different light spectrums that E. Nuttallii prefers for this reaction to

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