The Importance Of Monogamous In Society

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For centuries now, we have been taught by society that being monogamous is the socially accepted norm. In fact, having more than one marital or sexual partner in many cultures is considered to be taboo. Yet that leaves many people wondering how that tradition was even constructed and whether or not we should continue to live in a monogamous manner. In this paper, we are going to examine if being monogamous is truly a part of human nature and whether or not we are meant to be with only one marital or sexual partner throughout the course of our lives. Now more so than ever, society is moving in a direction that challenges traditional ways of life and many people are no longer following this socially constructed norm. In fact, monogamy has become a very popular, controversial topic that is continuously being addressed by the media and it has people second-guessing if remaining monogamous fits their ideal lifestyle. This is an especially important topic for our generation, due to the fact that we are currently at the stage in our lives where we set goals for ourselves that will pave the roads of our futures. Deciding whether or not to be monogamous is just as important as picking career paths and it holds just as much significance in the way it affects the rest of our lives. This is a problem in relational communication because whether we decide to be monogamous or non-monogamous, our decision will ultimately affect the way we interact with others and the way we approach intimate relationships. With today’s society slowly moving against monogamy, it’s time to decide if limiting ourselves to one marital and sexual partner is really in our nature, or if it’s just a tradition of the past that no longer holds the social significance that ...

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... generations, as they already recognize the importance in flexibility (White 2013). Monogamy, among other things, isn’t for everyone. As people are becoming more understanding of this, we can see that society is progressing towards a judgment-free attitude of acceptance regarding this personal choice.
In conclusion it is apparent that this is becoming a more prevalent topic among current generations. Current scientific and social research suggest that many are moving towards non-monogamy to pursue a more fitting relationship style that better fits their personal needs and satisfies individual desires. As a culturally constructed phenomenon, we are starting to tests the waters of breaking away from tradition. In a society that prides itself on moving closer towards the future, this one-size-fits-all concept of monogamy is pulling many back into the history books.

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