The Importance Of Medicine As A Career

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Once you graduate from high school you have to make a decision that might change your life. This decision is choosing a career. Everyone wants to gain fortune and live a life they couldn’t as a teen. In Honduras about 42.5% percent of students, chose medicine because of the wealth’s provided as a doctor. However, becoming a doctor requires special abilities, like service vocation in order to perform this career for the rest of your life. There are many good and bad things of choosing medicine as a career in Honduras. A satisfying thing is that you would be able to help and bring comfort to people. How? By treating his/her sickness or suffering. Medical knowledge helps you to do at least something for the people around you. Anyhow medicine also has its deception, for example its cost. Even though you study in a public university like “UNAH” (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras), you still need to buy textbooks, uniforms, stethoscopes, transportation, etc. ”La Tribuna” a national newspaper, wrote that a medicine student spend approximately 150,000 lempiras in their study years, money that could be used to invest in a small business, traveling, etc. Medicine has a diverse range of jobs available. A doctor is always …show more content…

People around you might treat you different when they find out you have become a doctor. Your parents and familiars are going to introduce you with proud as the doctor of the family, although medicine requires of a lot of responsibilities. Since you are treating with someone’s life, even the minor mistakes have consequences. Becoming a doctor requires of what is called emotional courage this involves being able to manage the death of someone caused by a mistake you did. This can be difficult for some people. It is usually this amount of responsibility that puts even the most intelligent students off from wanting to do

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