The Importance Of Effective Advertisement

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No matter the nature of your business, having a solid marketing plan behind you is essential. If you fail to advertise your products and services effectively, it will be difficult for your business to succeed. Understanding what makes a particular advertisement effective allows you to tailor your own marketing plans and achieve better results.

In order to be effective, an advertisement has to be memorable for the viewer. If the viewer does not remember the ad after viewing it, the company sponsoring the ad is simply wasting time and their money. With an effective advertisement, the viewer should be able to clearly recall what happened during the course of the ad, and more importantly, which product is being advertised. That recall is the hallmark of an effective advertisement.

Effective Targeting
A big part of developing an effective advertising campaign is knowing exactly who your target audience is. Chances are the product or service you offer will not appeal to everyone, so it is important to identify the segment of the population that is most likely to need what you have to offer. Identifying your target audience also helps you decide which television programs, radio stations and other advertising venues are likely to be the most effective.

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An effective ad will inform the consumer about the product or service you have to offer, but that advertisement also need to entertain the potential buyer. Capturing the attention of the consumer is essential for an effective ad, and the more entertaining your can make that ad the more effective it can be. If it is appropriate, try to incorporate an element of humor into your ad, since that humor hel...

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... is something older generations also learn how to do … right out of the gate.

This spot is really fun to watch. And not just once, but over and over again. I keep finding new things I like about it. For example, just recently I noticed the hand at the very end of the spot that ridiculously features the different flavours — awesome. The creative idea completely delivers on the product benefit of Mio offering different experiences depending on the amount one uses. It is memorable, for sure. And it definitely breaks through. The director and agency did a great job. I love the casting, particularly at the end. Overall, the performances are very good. My only other note is that this “back and forth, wardrobe and character change” is starting to get a little trendy. It still feels relatively fresh, but soon it won’t be. Let’s see which brand does it next and grill them!

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