The Importance Of Creative Writing

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1. One of the ways that I try to ease apprehension in students, is by relating to them as a writer. I am not ashamed to say that I have a pile of over 50 rejections from magazines; I don’t let them mock me, but push me to keep trying. I am not ashamed to say that I revise 20 or more times before I’m happy with something, that I still have words I regularly misspell, or that I still get intimidated when a new person is reviewing my work. Talking about some of these things (in moderation), reminds the person that I’m helping that I am, like them, human; I also need feedback from others (and I don’t always agree with it), and I also am still learning.

It’s easy to worry that someone giving you feedback will be too harsh, will tell you to give up because you are the worst writer to ever walk the planet, or that someone will tell you that your writing is boring/dumb/predictable/overly verbose. In my actual experience, most people who offer to help aren’t that way, thankfully. However, the fear is real, and I think that’s what keeps a lot of people from allowing others to see their work, especially with creative writing.
Overall, what I got from reading Beach, was that it’s much better to help a student learn skills to better …show more content…

I like the advice Beach gives regarding having the student fill out “The Guided Assessing” form before the meeting, having the student note what they are trying to say in their paper and where they are having difficulties getting their point across (58). This is particularly helpful when a tutor or teacher doesn’t have a lot of time to spend with each student, because it allows the student to think about the work more in-depth before they meet with their teacher/tutor. This is practical for our online Hangouts because we have only about 15 minutes to spend on each student who needs assistance with their work. That’s not nearly enough time to allow a person to sit, think, evaluate, and then talk in-depth about their struggles with their

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