The Importance Of Cooking

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Food is one of the four basic needs in life, the other three are shelter, water and air. While you can eat many things to survive it is more enjoyable when they taste good. That exact reason is why cooking was invented. Cooking is the practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients. The difficulty of cooking ranges on what it is that you are cooking. There are many methods of cooking some of which are baking, boiling, frying, grilling, and roasting. Cooking is one of the things that makes me happy, I find that it is one of the things that brings everyone together in a way like no other. Each culture has a different style of cooking and some of them have adopted techniques from others creating what you might call fusions.
I enjoy cooking for many reasons, one is eating my creations and having others share their opinions and critique them. I enjoy tasting different foods and seeing how the flavours blend together. When I eat food I try not to be too picky and to try new things so that I can broaden my horizons so that when I am making similar things I know if I am doing it correctly. Cooking has always been …show more content…

There are many reasons why cooking is important to me such as I need food to live and it is much better when the food tastes good. Cooking is something I find enjoyable and it is an easy thing you can do with friends. When cooking with friends I like to have everyone do a little bit of everything because it makes things more enjoyable. I enjoy trying new recipes when cooking for friends and family to get a wider range of opinion. Cooking can be stressful at times but the end result makes it all worth it. Through a course I took in the summer of 2017 I earned a food handling certificate which states that I know how to properly and safely handle food. I enjoyed the course very much and it furthered my aspirations of starting a career in the culinary arts

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