The Importance Of Body Culture And Greetings In France

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Romance, cuisine, the attractions, the history…these are all aspects of France that are appealing to the common tourist. It is even more exciting to get paid to travel to a foreign country as part of a job. But amidst a cloud of clichés many Americans do not really know how to make business with the French, the differences of body language, etiquette, expressions, and even the values of the French people. That is why it is essential to know about all aspects of the country before traveling to do business. Since comportment is key to likability the purpose of this report is to inform the reader of the customs, traditions, and manners in order to avoid awkward instances of cultural ignorance. It includes tips on dining etiquette, greetings, body language, French culture including food cuisine, art, fashion, major attractions, currency, time difference and other smaller aspects such as correspondence, business relationships, and even idioms. The ultimate intention is not only as to inform travelers, but perhaps even shed light on some of the less unknown parts of the French experience and make the trip to the illustrious country all the more enjoyable. Bon voyage!

Language and Greetings
In order to be able to negotiate and persuade effectively, a person needs to have some knowledge of the French language. Below is a list of essential and commonly used greetings in France.
French English
Salut Hi
Bienvenue Welcome
Bonjour Good day
Bonsoir Good night
Bonne Journée Good day or Goodbye
Bonne Soirée Good evening or Goodbye
Bonne Nuit Good night
Au revoir Goodbye.
Salut Goodbye
Á tout de suite See you in a minute
Á plus tard See you later
Á la prochaine Until next time.
Á demain. See you tomorrow
Á la semaine pr...

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...ich may give off the impression as unfriendly - just another common misconception of the French. In fact, they offer much closer hugs and a few kisses too.
Of course they may not want to talk about personal affairs at the dinner table such as salaries, religion, and politics, but they do it just to avoid trouble. In this way they are not stiff upper-lipped people, but calm and relaxed and wanting to enjoy life to the fullest (even if it requires a few love affairs here and there).
Some of France’s laws may be a little questionable, and their business cards may not be able to fit into your average wallet, however, doing business here is not only exciting, but possibly life changing. Seeing aspects of regular life from a different perspective which may not only affect the way a person does business, but also looks at their own life - family, government, and culture.

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