The Importance Of Alienation In Film

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When the selected films are analyzed, the researcher has found out that the director uses a nonlinear narrative, disjointed narrative or disrupted narrative to communicate the theme, where events are portrayed, out of chronological order, or in other ways where the narrative does not follow the direct causality pattern of the events featured, such as parallel distinctive plot lines, dream immersions, hallucination or narrating another story inside the main plot-line. When a film is told in a nonlinear fashion, it is generally a choice by the director to emphasize a certain meaning. While analyzing the movies of TV Chandran, the researcher has observed that he used this method because overarching theme ‘human alienation’ is bigger than any single character and wanted to include multiple story lines that intersect at different times. In all his films, filmic narrations are disrupted with dreams, hallucinations, and flashbacks, and bring a multi perspective approach in his movies, and also make the viewer an active …show more content…

She meets different people who had some role in his life and gets to hear their versions about him. All their testimonials lead to her concluding on what Gopi's reasons were. The ideal attitude that Gopi possesses against the odds provides the fuel for Renuka's journey. As Renuka gets closer to knowing Gopi, the man who led a very normal life posed an even more difficult question as to the cause of his death. Finally she understands that Gopi committed suicide out of the shame of being alive in such a merciless society. The director skillfully portrays different evils in the society and the film, through ‘Rashomon effect ‘incorporating multiple storylines like the one which is used in Alicinte Aneshanam. This approach gives the viewer the flexibility to sketch the personality of the

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