The Impact Of The Civil Rights Movement

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The government passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965, giving civil rights to all Black Americans .After nearly 10 years of nonviolent protests and marches, ranging from the 1955 to 1956 Montgomery bus boycotts to the student sit-ins of the 1960s and to the huge March on Washington in 1963. Martin Luther King (MLK) was one of the greatest impacts for change the world has ever known. MLK’S leadership and efforts provided the foundation for the Civil Rights Movement (CRM) , which forced American society to end discrimination. Although he did a lot for black , he was not the only reason the Civil Rights Movement was passed, he was the trigger. Several events before this enabled the Civil Rights Movement to be passed. King was involved in some of the key movements that helped to give momentum to Civil Rights Movement in 1950. Martin Luther King led the march through Selma to Montgomery in Alabama. In Selma, only 24% of the black population were registered to vote even though the majority of the population was Black . King organised a march for the 7th March...

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