The Impact Of Monopolies

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Monopolies have a tendency to be bad for the economy. Granted, there are some that are a necessity of life such as natural and legal monopolies. However, the article I have chosen to review is “America’s Monopolies are Holding Back the Economy (Lynn, 2017)” and the name speaks for itself. The article is mainly about how monopolies are the main driver in income equality because they keep the majority of the profits in the hands of the few (Lynn, 2017). There are numerous examples of how monopolies are effecting everyday Americans: the farmers struggle against agricultural conglomerates, sky high prices set by the pharmaceutical companies, cable providers, health insurers, and the airlines (Lynn, 2017). Additionally, the article highlights how …show more content…

Well the bottom line is that a monopoly is firm that sells almost all the goods or services in a select market. Therefore, without regulations, a company would be able to manipulate the price of their products, because of a lack of competition (Principle of Microeconomics, 2016). Furthermore, if a single company controls the entire market, then there are numerous barriers to entry that discourage competition from entering into it. To truly understand the hold a monopoly firm has on the market; compare the demand curves between a Perfect Competitor and Monopolist firm in Figure …show more content…

The Perceived Demand Curve for a Perfect Competitor and Monopolist (Principle of Microeconomics, 2016). A perfectly competitive firm (a) has multiple firms competing against it, making the same product. Therefore the market sets the equilibrium price and the firm must accept it. The firm can produce as many products as it can afford to at the equilibrium price. However, a monopolist firm (b) can either cut or raise production to influence the price of their products or service. Therefore, giving it the ability to make substantial products at the cost of the consumers. However, not all monopolies are bad and some are even supported by the

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