Research Paper On The Harlem Renaissance

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The New Negro Movement, widely known as The Harlem Renaissance, rolled into Harlem, New York – and touched the whole of America – like a gale-force wind. As every part of America reveled in the prosperity and gaiety of the decade, African Americans used the decade as a stepping stone for future generations. With the New Negro Movement came an abundance of black artistic, cultural, and intellectual stimulation. Literary achievers like Langston Hughes, Zora Neal Hurston, Claude McKay, and Countee Cullen rocked the world with their immense talent and strove to show that African Americans should be respected. Musicians, dancers, and singers like Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Josephine Baker and Bessie Smith preformed for whites and blacks alike in famed speakeasies like The Cotton Club. Intellectuals like Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. DuBois, and Alain Locke stood to empower and unify colored people of all ages. The Harlem Renaissance was not just a …show more content…

As a child, learning about it made me wish for the invention of the time machine to hurry up and get here. Learning about the music, the literature, the art, and raw talent that swarmed through the veins of America like an infectious disease made me long for a time where aspiring creatives and established creatives sat at the same tables and allowed their minds to merge. It’s inspiring, and uplifting – just like the art work of that time. As it happens, my favorite poet is Langston Hughes. I intended to write solely about him, but decided covering The Harlem Renaissance as a whole would be more fulfilling. I found a couple websites that helped me along the way, but in my search I found that there weren’t many sites to begin with. The one I did find [1], however, was well written and nicely designed – more so than any other site I found. The site is separated by different aspects of The Harlem Renaissance; such as literature, philosophy, and

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