The Great Pyramid Of Giza Informative Speech

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Outline Worksheet Introduction ATTENTION GETTER: Video viewing most of the tourist attractions in Egypt. PURPOSE: The purpose of this speech is to inform you with the history behind The Great Pyramid of Giza. STATE THESIS & MAIN POINTS: Today I am going to discuss three things about The Great Pyramid of Giza by explaining how significant it is, describing its physical appearance, and how long it took to be done from constructing it. Body I. MAIN POINT: Thanks to the Ancient Egyptians, Egypt’s revenue increase by $13 billion every year due to the thousands of people who come and visit this historic monument. A. SUBPOINT: The Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed during the fourth dynasty of Pharaoh Khufu, and around …show more content…

SUBPOINT: Workers would have to set a block every 2.5 minutes, 7 days a week in order to finish in 23 years. B. SUBPOINT: Its casing stones was stripped off to use in rebuilding palaces and bridges. C. SUBPOINT: Lastly, with such amount of casing you can building up to 30 Empire State buildings. Conclusion RESTATE THESIS & REVIEW MAIN POINTS: Today I’ve informed everyone with the importance of The Great Pyramid of Giza and the history behind its construction. Today I’ve discussed three things about The Great Pyramid of Giza. First I started off with stating how significant it is, how long it took to finish constructing the pyramids, and describing its physical appearance. CONCLUDING PURPOSE (restate specific purpose, reinforce relevance of topic to audience): Today I’ve informed everyone with the history behind The Great Pyramid of Giza and its significance. CLOSURE/CLINCHER: For instance, since I’ve spent my high school ars in an Arabic country, which is Kuwait, I was obliged to take an Arabic grammar course in order to graduate. Because of this, my G.P.A kept dropping considering Arabic is my mother tongue. References (If Any) Reference …show more content…

Ancient Egypt Exclusive Videos & Features. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2015, from - This source is basically exclusive shots of the Great Pyramid. It would support my speech by helping me in describing the exterior of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Yes, it is a credible source. 4. Building the Pyramids Video. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2015, from - This source is also describing how the pyramid looks like. It would support my speech by providing me with visual aid in order to for me to describe the exterior of the pyramid. Yes, it is a credible source. 5. Sevens Wonders of the Ancient World. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2015, from - This source is about the deconstructing history of The Great Pyramids of Giza. It would support my speech by revealing how long did Ancient Egyptians take in order to completely finish building the pyramid. Yes, it is a credible

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