The Great Gatsby and Today

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Society today is split in many different ways: the smart and the dumb, the pretty and the ugly, the popular and the awkward, and of course the rich and the poor. This key difference has led to many areas of conflict among the population. The rich and the poor often have different views on issues, and have different problems within their lives. Moral decay and materialism are two issues prevalent among the wealthy, while things such as socio-economic class conflict and the American dream may be more important to those without money. Ethics and responsibilities are an area of thought for both classes, with noblesse oblige leaning more towards the wealthy. The world in the Roaring Twenties, shown in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the world today all hinge on the same ideas and issues, the most basic of which is the difference between the poor and the rich. The book takes place in the Roaring ‘20s, a time when everyone was rich. New money clashed with old money, and the sophisticated breeding of the wealthy class was not happy. The vulgar newly rich citizens were ruining society as morals loosened all around. Old money became hypocrisy, claiming they were pure when they were just as ruined as the new money. This is demonstrated in the Great Gatsby by Tom Buchanon. He says often that women shouldn’t run around and that new money is vulgar. He does this while flaunting his own relationship with his mistress. Everyone knows he’s cheating on Daisy, and he doesn’t care. He yells when Daisy cheats on him, but expects his own unfaithfulness to be overlooked. This sort of behavior is constant over time. Celebrities today are posted and paraded all over TV and magazines, no matter what they do. Justin Beiber was caught drunk dri... ... middle of paper ... ... world has changed as well. Materialism has both destroyed and helped people, leading some towards crime and others towards the American Dream. The distance between the wealthy class and the rest has grown, but so has the idea of noblesse oblige. The Great Gatsby clearly shows all of these issues as they were in the ‘20s, and all of them can be paralleled to show the same issues in today’s times. Works Cited Auchincloss, Louis. “The American Dream: All Gush and Twinkle.” Reading on the Great Gatsby. Leone, Bruno ed. San Diego: Green haven Press, Inc., 1988. Print. Waytz, Adam. "The Psychology of Social Status." Scientific America. 8 Dec. 2009: 1. Web. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2004. Print. The Barna Group. "Morality Continues to Decay ." Barna Group. 2009: 1. Web. Murray, David R. "Noblesse Oblige." Learning To Give. 1. Web.

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