The Great Gatsby Myrtle Monologue

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“Nick-” she reluctantly drew words. “-Did I ever tell you of the letter Myrtle sent Tom, back in Christmas, about three years ago?” I already knew I didn’t want to have this conversation. I wanted to sit and hold my breath like a toddler until I got my way and she withheld this talk with me. “No,” I answered hollowly. “I can’t say you did.” Her eyes looked down to the floor until she built enough courage to continue her story that I knew I couldn’t avoid. “Well-Well, it was the holidays, which I mentioned.” She gulped a shallow breath and her eyes met the floor again. “I was home alone-Well, Jordan was here, but she hadn’t paid a glance of attention to me. She was in a rush to find her clubs, cigarettes, and some trousers for when her tournament would begin. And, I suppose all the servants were here as well, they play a bit of a key to the story…” Her breath turned shallow again when she finally looked me in the eyes. “I saw a… darker servant walk by, and he held a note in his hand. He rushed by me like he was running from a bee, and I stopped him. I asked ‘what is …show more content…

She ignored all the deep breaths she was neglecting herself of and continued the story, which I thought would never end. “Of course the poor man handed the letter to me faster than a bullet. The envelope was spruced up with blue ink specked with ‘I’s’ dotted with hearts. And on the corner was a tiny lipstick stain that she kissed with the small lips of her. The servant hid it with his thumb, it made me furious. I practically ripped the envelope in half for what I can remember. My anger and pettiness got the hold of me- I read the first line- ‘Dear Tom, you ought to come visit me soon, I’ve been rather lonely in the last few weeks.’- I was absolutely furious. I threw the letter through the window, and off the balcony. I hoped it had floated on the bay and sunk deep down and dissolved like it was written on toilet

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