The Great Gatsby

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What is Whitman's democratic vision for America as outlined in “Leaves of Grass”?

Walt Whitman was an American poet, born in 1819. Whitman published a collection of poetry in which he outlined his democratic vision for America. Walt Whitman was credited with being the founder of a literature that was uniquely American. America was a very new country at this time, the Declaration of Independence, in which America claimed independence from England was signed in 1776 and was still quite recent. In 1781 America had proclaimed themselves as the First New Nation. They then began to create a culture that was uniquely American to give Americans a sense of nationalism. America had been influenced by English literature and now there was a search for a uniquely American literature. Walt Whitman took it upon himself to help to promote American identity. Whitman was very liberal as he was pro-homosexuality and an early supporter of women's equality. Whitman was also a passionate believer of an American Ideology that believed in American's exceptionalism. Whitman used his poetry to spread his democratic vision for America; there are many good examples of the theme of democracy in Whitman's poetry.

“Leaves of Grass” is a well-known collection of Walt Whitman's poetry which he published. In the preface to “Leaves of Grass” Walt Whitman wrote “the United States themselves are essentially the greatest poem”. Whitman was deeply nationalist and spread his love for nature and for his country in “Leaves of Grass”. The period from 1815 to 1880 saw American manifest destiny taking place. This was the idea that America should be expanding westwards. Whitman like many Romantic writers felt an overwhelming love for their own coun...

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...f a liberal, Individualistic and democratic society.

A technique Whitman used in his poetry was to write in free verse, making his poetry unrestricted and easy to read. Whitman's unique way of writing poetry that was easy to read made it inclusive, this fits in with his themes of democracy as a democracy includes everyone. In conclusion, “Leaves of Grass” embodied the spirit of democracy that Whitman was so fond of. The theme of democracy is evident in Walt Whitman's poetry. Walt Whitman had liberal values for his time as he was a supporter of rights for women and homosexuals. Whitman wanted an equal democratic America which was what the Founding Fathers of America had set out to create.

Works Cited

Foner Eric (2009), Give Me Liberty! An American History, second edition, USA: Seagull ed.
Whitman Walt (2013), “Leaves of Grass”, US: Penguin Groups.

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