The Giver Salk Analysis

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Polio: Jonas Salk and the Spread of the Disease Its 1955 Jonas Salk just came back from the store. He came back with anything he could find. Right Know Jonas is in the middle of an apocalypse of zombies that spread around the world fast. Salk is in San Diego, California and right now he is the only survivor that he knows about that is still alive. When Salk came back from the store a group of zombies were chasing him and followed him to his house but as Salk was on his way home he attempted to lose them by running faster but as he ran more and more food fell which just attracted more zombies so the group got bigger and bigger as he ran. Salk could hear the zombies growling and roaming around to look for him. Salk was behind his house and …show more content…

He couldn’t stand the fact that at any moment he would be dead. Horribly as Salk watched the zombies growl and bang on the door he kept his momentum moving looking at the TV and back at the door worried and sweating from his hands. Every few seconds Salk had to take a second to wipe his hand on his blue jeans and his plain black shirt that he had been wearing for months. Salk took a moment to get his breathing back to normal by taking deep breaths and all of a sudden he saw everything going slow from the sound of the zombies to Salk looking back and forth. Minutes later Salk took a big deep breath and shot five times each time making his hand reflect back almost hitting him in the face. As he watched the bullets break through the two layered wood door and hit the zombies at an amazing …show more content…

Salk slowly put his gun down and watched as the smoke came out of the gun. All Salk could think about was that he just killed a person he just killed a person but after realizing what he had done he got himself back on track and one step at a time breathing heavily like if something was about to pop out. But as Salk walked up the last step he lifted his gun back up turned his shoulder and put his left shoulder on the door slowly he pushed on the door with little strength then more and more as time passed. After a while of pushing Salk had the door open and pointed his weapon straight to the floor where the zombies laid and made sure they weren’t moving. Salk pointed at the zombie that was twitching, pointed at its head and shot

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