The Film Gran Torino: Walt Kowalski

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The film Gran Torino is a moving drama that shows how an old, angry widower finds acceptance with his Hmong neighbors. With the recent election and racism being more prevalent today, many individuals are disappointed with the perceived shift in American values. Today, Gran Torino is still relevant because the values Walt portrays is the same values that many Americans still display. Directed by and starring Clint Eastwood, as Walt Kowalski, depicts an old, grumpy Korean War veteran. The 2008 film reveals how a bitter man turns into a courageous, loving man who is willing to sacrifice himself by finding the good in his foreign neighbors. Roger Ebert’s review states: “Gran Torino stars Eastwood as an American icon once again—this time as a cantankerous,
He neglected the Vang Lors whenever they crossed paths or needed help. One day, Thao asked Walt for a jumper cable, and Walt slammed the door in his face. Walt did not want anything to do with anybody, especially his neighbors. Walt did not want to get to know the Vang Lors, and continues to call Thao “toad,” even though Thao corrects him multiple times. A Hmong gang, led by Thao’s cousin Fong, who likes to be called Spider tries to get Thao to join. Thao’s initiation was to steal Walt’s Gran Torino; when Thao tries to steal the Gran Torino, Walt approaches with a gun and sends him away. Kowalski becomes angrier and bitterer after Thao tried to steal his prized Gran Torino. One day, a fight begins to break out between the Hmong gang and Thao; the fighting winds up on Walt’s lawn. Walt comes outside with a gun and growls “get off my lawn.” The Vang Lors are very grateful for Walt saving them from the Hmong gang, and feel the need to repay Walt. Since Thao tried to steal Walt’s Gran Torino, his family makes him work for Walt. Thao does yard and housework while getting to know Walt. As the film progresses, a relationship between Walt, Thao, and Sue begins to

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