The Female Eunuch: The Women's Liberation Movement

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The history of feminism is an interesting one. On their journey, feminists have faced opposition from both male and females alike but have persevered to change the world. Feminism is known to have three main ‘waves’. The Feminist movement has been prevalent in society since the late 19th century, and continues to be an influencing factor today.

By the 19th century, women were experiencing opportunities they had not been able to access previously. For example, they had new job opportunities, greater educational opportunities, and some changes in law gave married women better legal rights. However, women were denied the right to vote. It was at this time that women’s’ right to vote became a topical issue, which then led to the formation …show more content…

Women once again came together to change the world but this time in an attempt to true gender equality. The aim of the Women’s Liberation Movement was to liberate women from the traditional views of womanhood and the social political restrictions of the past. They sought to end discrimination against women, enhance educational opportunities and remove sex role stereotyping. This women’s liberationist movement hoped to achieve their goals through direct action; lobbying, protests and media attention. Australian born Germaine the Greer, was widely recognised around the world as a leader in the area. In her book, ‘The Female Eunuch’, Greer argued that “the differences between the sexes were learned, not natural.” Much of the book outlined the processes by which girls are conditioned to conform to the feminine …show more content…

Third-wave feminists questioned, and redefine the ideas, words, and media that transmitted ideas about womanhood, gender, beauty, sexuality, femininity and masculinity. In reaction to stereotypical ideas that women were passive, weak, virginal and faithful, or alternatively as domineering, demanding, slutty and emasculating, the third wave redefined women as powerful, assertive, and in control of their own sexuality. Even this third wave of feminism had its opposition. Just as the third wave was getting its voice, critics of the movement declared that it had outlived its usefulness. The third wave of feminism was not a single body looking to achieve one goal. Third wave feminism was multicultural which lead to different women of different cultures wanting something

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