The Federal Government In The Progressive Era

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The Federal Government in the Progressive Era The Progressive Era was a period in which the federal government increased its legislation and its grasp of the nation. There were three distinct pieces of federal legislation that seem to stick out, The Meat Inspection Act The Federal Reserve Act,, and The Hepburn Act. All of this legislation gave the government an extremely large amount of power to regulate business and industry as well as the people of the United States of America. The first of the legislation of the federal government in this time was the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. The Meat Inspection Act required the federal inspection of meats that were headed for interstate commerce and this gave much power to the big bosses of the Agriculture Department. The powers that this act endowed to the big bosses of the Department of Agriculture was to set the standards or the sanitary conditions. This Act basically gives the government the power to say what is sanitary and safe and what is …show more content…

The Hepburn Act which was enacted in 1906 set a precedent for the power of the federal government. The Hepburn Act set a maximum price for the freight rates on the railroads. It also extended the reach of the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulation of pipelines, freight companies, sleeping-car companies, bridges and ferries. As well, the Hepburn Act did not make the ICC go to the court to enforce its regulation decisions. This act was passed mainly under the dedication of President Roosevelt. After 1905, he dedicated his efforts to the greater regulation of and control over the big businesses. His regulations over them angered his corporate sponsors. But that really did not matter to the President because this act set a precedent for the quality of big business as well as setting a fairness level so that the little guy could survive and live the American

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