The Evolution of Rock Music

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The Evolution of Rock Music

In this essay, I'm going to introduce to the reader a topic not touched a

lot because of its complexity and its avoidance by conservative adults.

This topic is, of course, Rock Music. During one week, I looked for

information in the library and at my house, and from the information I

gathered and my one knowledge about the topic, I'm going to lead the reader

to a better understanding of Rock n' Roll. I chose to do Rock music because

I can identify myself with it. Rock music is very complex. In fact "It's

stylistic scope is to broad to be encompassed by any single definition"

("Rock Music", Groliers, p.1). The nearest definition suggests a kind of

music that represents and speaks for the teenage society. This music is

characterized by using a heavy beat. In this essay, I'm going to divide

Rock music into four sections: Rock of the 50's, of the 60's, of the 70's

and of the 80's. Within these sections I'm also going to discuss several

sub-topics such as famous composers and groups, and characteristics of the


The first section of this essay is Rock n' Roll of the 1950's, when Rock n'

Roll was born. It emerged from rhythm and blues, a music similar to jazz

played by blacks. This kind of music started to attract white teenagers.

Disc jockey Alan Freed was the one who introduced this music and later gave

it the name of Rock n' Roll. Record companies distributed records played by

whites but composed by blacks. Whites were frustrated because there weren't

any white artists and they didn't want the blacks to be the stars until

Bill Haley appeared with his "Rock Around the Clock". In this decade, Elvis

Presley introduced a music that was sexual suggestive and outraged dull

adults. In time he changed the style of the music by adopting a country and

western style and became a national hero. By the end of this decade and the

start of the next, Rock n' Roll started to decline because it was formula

ridden and it was too sentimental. Teenage audiences transferred their

allegiance to Folk music.

In 1963 the renewal of Rock n' Roll came when The Beatles started to play.

The Beatles, for some the best rock group ever, were from Liverpool,

England. Through the 60's, The Beatles dominated the record industries and

with their dominant instrumentation, which included: electric leads, rhythm,

and bass guitar, drums and sometimes an electric organ, changed the name of

Rock n' Roll to just Rock.

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