The Effects Of Strength Training On Muscle Strength

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However, free weight exercises including squats can, in fact, have positive improvements on those with joint-degrading diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). People who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis have chronic inflammation of the joints, whereas wear-and-tear of the ligaments causes osteoarthritis. A two-year randomized study documented the effects of strength training on muscle strength, disease activity, functional capacity, and bone mineral density in early rheumatoid arthritis. The study found that strength training improved muscle strength, physical ability, bone mineral density, and joint function anywhere from 19% to 59% (Häkkinen). Another study conducted on OA similar to the study on RA produced similar results: “exercise is a vital component of the treatment for some of the underlying mechanisms of knee OA” (Vincent). Strength training does not have any detrimental effect on joint health and function and can improve the joints of those suffering from joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, completely rebuking the notion that strength training damages the joints. Although those who suffer from poor joint-health may refrain from strength training due to unbased health and safety concerns, others refuse for more superficial reasons.
Many women choose not to strength train or lift weights as they fear becoming “too bulky” or “manly looking”. The appearance of female bodybuilders typically causes this fear as they, like male bodybuilders, strive to have muscular, virtually fat-free bodies. However, the hormone profile of natural women prevents them from having the same musculature and strength as men.The male sex hormone, testosterone, has anabolic (muscle/strength increa...

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... that strength training has been proven to increase joint strength and function, and to be a safe and viable physical activity for women and children, there are very few individuals, if any, who would not benefit from strength training. The benefits range from increased muscle size and strength, increased bone mineral density, increased cardiovascular to higher self-esteem, improved self-image, increased confidence, and even increased libido. Weightlifting has one of the lowest injury rates compared to other major physical activity, meaning people can safely train with little risk and high reward. With the increasingly sedentary, but busy lifestyle that most people live, they now have to make an effort to stay healthy. As a result, everyone should utilize strength in order to have an optimal time and cost efficient way to improve overall health and physical function.

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