Why Is Public Education Better Than Homeschooling

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Homeschooling has held many places throughout the years. In the colonial days, homeschooling was the norm. In contrast, in the late 1800’s, homeschooling took a back seat and public schooling became the way of education. After religion instruction was removed from public schools in the late 1960’s, homeschooling reemerged. Over the past several decades, homeschooling has gone from a radical concept to being converted into mainstream education for thousands of people. In his article “Home Schooling Is a Legitimate Alternative to Public Schools”, Chris Jeub discusses the benefits homeschooling offers on an academic, social and family level. He argues that it is all around more beneficial for children to engage in being educated at home. Although Evie Hudak delivers a valid argument, I disagree with her view that public education is a better choice than home schooling based on it providing a wider array of information and social opportunities.
Hudak’s thesis is clear cut, stating, “Public education is a better choice than home schooling because it provides a wide variety of resources and experiences, including the opportunity for youths to develop the social skills necessary for success in adulthood.” In her article “Public Education Is Preferable to Home Schooling”, she argues that parents are not as qualified …show more content…

However, I do not believe public schools are the best place for children to receive an education, obtain people skills, and learn to love and accept all types of other people. Just because educators have to obtain a college education and obtain a licensure in order to teach, does not make them qualified to provide the best learning environment for each individual child. The person teaching the child about the world and academics needs to have a personal and vested

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