The Effects Of Drunk Driving And Driving

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Progressively there are more accidents happening every year as a result of drunk driving, and these drunk drivers should be greatly penalized, if you drive hammered you should get nailed! Driving drunk is considered to be one of the most severe crimes in almost every state because the driver is not only risking there life they are putting everyone else’s life in danger on the road. Every 22 minutes, someone will die in an alcohol-related traffic accident. Although you probably think that it could never happen to you, experts say everyone has a 40-percent chance of being in a crash involving alcohol use sometime in their life. Being intoxicated while driving is dangerous to your health and the well-being of others. No one should feel like they are in danger while on the road because of intoxicated drivers. If someone incorporates alcohol with the instrumentality of an automobile it can be very hazardous. As a matter of fact, driving while under the influence is reprehensible by people that have been physically or mentally injured by drivers that are intoxicated. In other words, intoxicated drivers have killed copious amounts of people and ruined the lives of many others. One knows the consequences of driving intoxicated but they do not have self control to stop themselves picking up a drink where that alcohol is present. They realize what they did was wrong after the problem has taken place. When people become aware of the effects of driving while intoxicated they should prevent these troubling incidents by obeying state laws, planning ahead, and being accountable. Each and every state has laws because people need guidelines in life, if everyone followed the laws we would all be in a safe environment. When one follows and agree... ... middle of paper ... ...well aware of the laws and consequences against drunk driving, especially after destroying families due to their carelessness decision. Victims’ families entire life’s are annihilated because of the sudden death of their loved one, and they are never going to be able to reclaim their normal life, while the offender after a few days in prison reclaims his normal life. As a result of the fragile criminal justice system everyday road users share the road with repeat offenders who are highly resistant to change their manner of conducting oneself despite their previous authorization..When an accident happens, fatalities that occur suddenly can be more difficult to deal with than anticipated death because members of the family are not well prepared. Sudden losses are even more difficult to process when a person is killed violently knowing that it could have been prevented.

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