The Effect of the Amount of Sodium Chloride on the Electric Current During Electrolysis

1979 Words4 Pages

The Effect of the Amount of Sodium Chloride on the Electric Current During Electrolysis


When an electric current passes through sodium chloride solution,

chemical reactions take place at both cathode and anode. If one passes

through sodium chloride solution, there will be passage of ions moving

through this solution. This results in positively charged sodium ions,

which have been dissolved into the solution, moving towards the

cathode and deposited there. At the same time, negatively charged

chloride ions will be moving towards the anode and discharged at the

anode. This is called electrolysis.

Aim of experiment

My aim is to investigate the effect of the amount of sodium chloride,

i.e. concentration gradient, in the aqueous solution on the electric

current during electrolysis.

Key Factors/ variables that affect the results of the experiment

The experiment carried out aimed to monitor the current during

electrolysis when the amount of sodium chloride was changed. To ensure

a fair test, only one of the listed key variables is allowed to change

at a time with the rest of the variables are kept constant."

This will give me an accurate set of results, which, I hope, enables

me to make a decent conclusion. If we do not control the factors apart

from the concentration we are testing, you can turn around and say

that it was the other factors that had caused the difference and that

it had nothing to do with the concentration. By keeping the factors

controlled and equal, you can prove it is the concentration.

The following factors/variables must be controlled or monitored during

the experiment:

1. Temperature

2. Quantity of solution

3. Voltage

4. Size of electrodes

5. Distance between electrodes

6. Surface on the electrodes

7. Distilled water

I plan to finish the experiment in one day, so the temperature won't

change drastically and use a stop-clock to maintain the time duration

for applying voltage to 10s.

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