The Diversity in Romeo and Juliet

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Leo Tolstoy observes in his book, Anna Karenina, ““All the diversity, all the charm, and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade” Like Leo Tolstoy, William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, establishes how the distinctive characters have different personalities, which creates much diversity, tragedy, and passion. Therefore, Shakespeare has created multidimensional characters that have both strengths and weaknesses. To start off, the famous Romeo is impulsive and very romantic. When Romeo ascends the Capulet wall, without thinking about the consequences, he finds Juliet and starts to talk to her. Juliet is very worried for Romeo and asks him how he has got up the wall. It is here that Romeo lets his emotions control his actions and words, “With love’s light wings did I o’verperch these walls;/ For stony limits cannot hold love out,/ And what love can do, that dares love attempt,/ Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me” (Shakespeare 2.2.73-77). Romeo’s response indicates how he is very impulsive to climb over the walls for his love, Juliet. Romeo reveals, in the quote ...

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