The Devil In A Blue Dress Sparknotes

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The Real Devil The book Devil in a Blue Dress is written by Walter Mosley. There are lots of devils who appear in the story. Albright, Mouse, Carter, Easy and Daphne are devils without any questions because actions like hustling, and killing people show that they aren’t good people. From the story, we may easily conclude all characters are devils, but we should always think about who makes them commit illegal actions. When they were children, none of them thought about doing any illegal jobs. All of them wanted to be good guys. The real devil is the one that led them against the law. Who is that devil? It is money. Money connects the entire story, and it makes poor people want to do illegal things to make easy money. On the other hand, it …show more content…

First of all, money lets people forget the law. As long as people can make more money, no one will be scared of the law. The law was created by people, which means it is changeable. The fact is rich people have power to change the law, so the right always belongs to rich people. Money convinces Albright that being a lawyer isn’t a good way to earn lots of money. He finds out that Daphne has lots of money, and he wants to take Daphne’s money. He decides to hustle Easy to help him get what he wants because Easy is a soldier, and he needs money to pay his mortgage. In Devil in a Blue Dress, Albright says, “I used to be a lawyer when I lived in Georgia. But now I’m just another fella who does favors for friends, and for friends of friends.”(Mosley, 49) We can easily see that Albright gives Easy the idea that he knows the law, which means he wouldn’t do anything against the law, but it isn’t the true for Albright. Albright wants to hustle Easy and deceives Easy about what he …show more content…

When money is more important than other people’s lives, people may kill those people and take those people’s money. In the story, Easy wants to stay away from Mouse because Mouse is a dangerous person. He kills his stepfather to have enough money for wedding. According to Devil in a Blue Dress, Walter Mosley says, “He said that he was going to ask his stepfather for an inheritance his mother had promised him before she died. Before we left that town Mouse’s stepfather and a young man named Clifton had been shot dead. When I drove Mouse back to Huston he had more than a thousand dollars in his pocket.” (93) From the quote we can find out that one thousand dollars has greater value than two people’s lives. What is Mouse looking for? Mouse is looking for money. It is worth for Mouse to kill two people included his stepfather for money. Sometimes money is important than people’s lives. People may kill those guys and take money from them. Money lets Mouse kill two

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