The Development of Totalitarianism Under Stalin

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The Development of Totalitarianism Under Stalin By 1928, Stalin had become the undisputed successor to Lenin, and leader of the CPSU. Stalin’s power of appointment had filled the aisles of the Party Congress and Politburo with Stalinist supporters. Political discussion slowly faded away from the Party, and this led to the development of the totalitarian state of the USSR. Stalin, through the Party and bureaucracy was able to extend his personal authority and the Party’s control over the people. The cult of personality was a bizarre semi religious institution that emerged following Stalin’s assumption of power. Stalin helped further the cult of personality by institutionalising art and culture. Artists and workers were either forced to join the Union of Soviet artists, or otherwise operate illegally. Socialist realism, a form of art appealing to workers and work related themes, was the only form of art produced throughout 1928 to 1945. The Party’s control of all creative outlets marginalized all the actual problems of the USSR such as hunger and the low standard of living. Socialist realism appealed to the people to adopt “social motivation” as opposed to self-interest. Art was turned into a tool of propaganda, and this form of universal propaganda and censorship helped turn the USSR into a totalitarian state. The Party believed that if the problem was not openly discussed the analogy “out of sight, out of mind” would apply. Stalin, through the coercive machinery helped mute out all opposition, and purge all his personal opponents. The OGPU [later to become the NKVD] were used to purge the political dissidents in the USSR. The Great Purges led to thousands of party members, military officials and civilians being executed or sent to the GULAGS. Whether the purges did remove enemies of Stalin is questionable, due to the fantastical methods of the NKVD. The NKVD were set quotas, and operated using public informers. By 1936 it is estimated 1 in 5 people were NKVD informers. This Red Terror had the effect of turning the people into bizarre worshippers of Stalin and the Party.

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