The Destruction Of The Black Body By Robert Coates: An Analysis

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The theme Coates emphasis is the destruction of the black body. That the body is chocked, shot, and degraded by the white male. With the controversy surrounding these events, it made me question the author’s true authority. He only talks about males and white’s racism towards blacks. He does not ever talk about different genders or races; nor, does he evaluate racism in both directions, blacks towards whites and vice versa. I had an audio recording of the author reading this book from the library and it was much different hearing him read it; as compared to me, a white privilege girl reading aloud his words. He emphasized words and topics that I would not have; but it was in those words he chose to use and the way he said them that made me really question is authority. I questioned if this was a hate book, or propaganda, or just him venting about the world he grew up in. I thought it was a letter to his son, but it was more than that; I do not know, maybe he never meant it to be more than that, but it is now. His words are in a book for all of us to read; no matter your gender, race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background, you can read this and interpret it in many different ways. The author seems to write the letter to his son as a warning. That since he is black, he will have to work harder and will have to carry himself in a specific demeanor in order to survive in white privileged …show more content…

I have a family member that is counting his days to an early retirement because of the recent controversies. People are not looking to the police as an authority figure that is here to serve and protect; rather, they are shooting their car up on the east side of Indianapolis and doing other thing around the country. It makes me wonder if the media and social media is too involved in these issues; is their actions doing more harm than good. Which is what I ask of this author and his book, are you doing more harm than

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