The Crucible Marxist Lens Essay

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The Different Views of Different People The Crucible is a complex story about a town called Salem, which lies in the state of Massachusetts. This story is about little girls in Salem lying about witchcraft which is related to McCarthyism which was going on at the time. McCarthyism is about a politician who verbally accused people of being communist, but never had any proof which is a lot like witchcraft because witchcraft is fake and cannot be proven. The Crucible, when viewed through the Marxist, Psychological, and Gender lens, is about little girls gaining power and bringing bad things into this world. Power is attractive but also confusing(Bigsby84) . The Marxist lens focuses on power and social hierarchy of the society. Power can make people do …show more content…

During this time, women had to do very little.Women have no role, but to do what she is told back in the old day(Bigsby85). This disrespected women and degrades them. They brought life into this world but men still did not think of them as equals. Girls at this time had to obey men and they were also more accused of being witches. Tituba went along with it and said she saw people working with the devil as well as the other girls who worked with Tituba(Miller50). All the girls spoke falsely about the names and listed whoever to benefit their own good. Later, they lie and say witchcraft is not good and they will work with god to end it(Miller150). They speak bad about witchcraft and yet they committed it. These girls lied in court which is against the law and got away free. Innocent people who told the truth died because of the ignorant judges who chose to believe in the women. Women's views back in the day were not seen as well as they are now. They have jobs other than working in the house and they can vote. Their views are more respected and through the gender lens, the readers can see the society through a female

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