The Crucible Compare And Contrast Essay

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We’ve all heard at one point that the book or play was better than the movie, but that’s not always the case. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible was an outstanding play that won the Pulitzer Prize, the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award, and the Tony for best play. The movie on the other hand was phenomenal production that won more awards than the play such as the BAFTA Award, Critics Choice Award, Empire Award, and SEFCA Award. The movie even had 24 nominations, far more than the play had. The play also didn’t give the full effect such as the movie did. The movie gave a more realistic view and aspect to it all in ways the play couldn’t. Characters especially had a lot to do with how we interpreted it. In the movie, Abigail Williams and John Proctor's relationship is far more significant than in the play. The movie takes more time an effort to build and show us how much Abigail is infatuated with John by making scenes that weren’t originally in the play. For example, in the play we find out Abigail flees Salem through reverend Parris, but in the movie it depicts Abigail visiting Proctor in jail telling him she didn't mean things to end this way and trying to convince him to come with her before she left. …show more content…

One major adaptation in the film was the scene at the beginning of the girls dancing in the forest with Tituba. In the movie the scene was more chronological and was used as foreshadowing, but in the play it were only a flashback. Adding this scene to the beginning of the movie gave us a better understanding of why the girls had such strong motives to cover up what was going on with witchcraft. It also helped us make sense of why Betty was acting the way she was. The mood of the story was set from the beginning instead of flashing back to it to grasp what was going on and why the characters acted the way they

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