The Crucible Act 2 Analysis

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We start the act in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. As the act begins, we meet Reverend Parris who is in prayer in front of his daughter’s bed. His daughter, Betty Parris, is in a coma like state. She is unable to move and is unresponsive. Rumor is going around the village that Betty has fallen victim to witchcraft, which is an act that is penalty of death. To solidify the accusations, Parris sends for Reverend John Hale of Beverly, who specializes in the study of witchcraft. his niece, Abigail enters the scene and is questioned by Parris. He is wary of her and her words because he had discovered that her, Betty, his slave Tituba along with other girls danced in the forest late the night before. Abigail is quick to deny it. She states that Betty had only fainted from the shock of her father finding them instead of the presence of witchcraft. Mr and Mrs. Putnam enter the scene telling Parris that their daughter too has fallen under this state similar to Betty. Mrs. Putnam further explains that she had seven children that each died the day of their birth. Because she was …show more content…

One phrase uses the word “Jesus”, making Betty cover her ears and collapse into a fit of hysterics. Parris, Mercy and Mr and Mrs Putnam rush into the room. They conclude that Betty must be under the presence of witchcraft as she cannot hear the lord’s name without reacting in a negative way. Reverend Hale finally joins the group with a heavy amount of books. Hale questions Abigail about the dancing and their supposed attempt to summon spirits. Instead of taking the blame for it, she denies it and puts the blame of Tituba. Tituba reasons that they cannot be the ones killing the children as the devil has many other servants. Tituba remembers that she saw people with the devil. Abigail, along with Betty and Tituba end the act with a vicious cycle of calling names onto the list of those with the devil. Hale calls for the marshal to arrest them for

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