The Count Of Monte Cristo Edmond Dantes Character Traits

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Erin Hannon, a character from the hit TV show, “The Office”, is always hopeful for the future and very easily tricked. Like Erin, Edmond Dantes, a character from Alexandre Dumas’, “The Count of Monte Cristo”, is positive that his life will go exactly as he planned it and that everyone he meets is his friend. In “The Count of Monte Cristo”, Dantes a young man with a fabulous life ahead of him, or at least he thought. He is innocently thrown into Chateau d’If and is trapped there for 14 years. Dantes and Faria, the man in the cell next to him, plan for escape but when Faria becomes ill, Dantes decides to stay with Faria until he dies. Edmond Dantes is a naïve, optimistic, and loyal character and because of these characteristics, he is thrown in jail and his life will change forever. …show more content…

For example, when Faria asks Dantes who might his disappearance may be useful to and dates replies by saying, “To no one! I wasn’t important enough” (54). He says this because he believes that he has no enemies when truly he has multiple. This trait gets him into trouble because he trusts people that he should not be trusting. Because Dantes was so naïve, Danglars was able to find out what the letter was about and use his knowledge to his advantage. Clearly, Dantes did not realize that Danglars overheard the conversation at the time and Dantes continued to believe that Danglars was his friend. While talking to Faria, Dantes also realizes that he has another enemy, Fernand. Fernand is in love with Mercedes, but Mercedes is in love with Dantes. Together, Danglars and Fernand, two people Dantes believed to be his friends, went behind his back and ended up making him

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