The Continuous Quest of The Youth

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We all thrive to find our identity sometime in our lives. Most of the time it is when we reach our adolescent years that we start looking for something to engage ourselves with, to feel a part of our society. “For, indeed, in the social jungle of human existence there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity.” (Erikson, 1968, p. 130). The search for an identity is a major constituent of our youth years and most of the time it accompanies us for the rest of our lives. Identity can be defined as “a person's conception and expression of their individuality or group affiliations” (Identity (social science). (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April, 14, 2014, from The identity of individuals in a society characterises the society’s culture, orientation, political and religious aspects. In Lebanon, this search among the youth has turned into a dilemma affecting the society. The youth’s passion for an identity to define them created conflicts in the society, and exchanged the quest of individual characterisation for a person, to create the society’s frontal. Of many types of self-identity that the Lebanese youth are facing conflicts with, the most common ones are Lebanese vs. Arab vs. western national identity, religious identity, and sexual identity.
Due to the fact that almost a century has elapsed since the formation of modern Lebanon, the identity of Lebanon has been a debatable topic, whether it belonged to the Arab world, or it had Western roots (Frank Salameh, 2010). For the youth of Lebanon, this idea has had an influence on their way of thinking. Many of them now lean towards the western culture and prefer it more than the Arabic culture. T...

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...on and disappointment.
The youth present a very essential part of the culture of society. Their ideas come from the society they live in, in which they then contribute their ideas to, creating a full circle. A civil society should be based on its culture that has accumulated over time and on its history, which is much stronger and firmer than any weak imitation or anything that is defined by religion, politics, or sex. The Lebanese youth should be assisted in their pursuit of an identity to define them and their purpose in their society. The possession of many faces of self-identity endangers the minds of the youth as it may lead them astray and could cause depression due to not finding the sense of belonging to their society. This will eventually create a broken society with ‘multi-identity’ individuals, giving way to controversies and conflicts among the society.

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