The Bielski Brothers in Belarus: A Story of Survival, Racism and World War II

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“The Bielski Brothers” is a story of three amazing brothers, their journey of survival and experience they faced in World War II. Peter Duffy places this extraordinary story of survival in context by describing the Bielskis lives and experiences , quoting from Tuvia Bielskis previously unknown journal, and revealing the sociopolitical history, including the anti-Semitism of Belarus, a region the Bielski Brother’s had grown up in.

WWII was one of the most unforgettable events in history, an event that has changed the world drastically, and an event that inspired the Bielski Brothers to act upon and try to make a difference in their Jewish community, a change that could have cost their lives. It’s the true story of three men who defied the Nazis, built a village in the forest, and saved 1,200 Jews (Peter Duffy). The book overall was very well written, I enjoyed every moment of it. I liked that the author at the beginning of each chapter gave a little bit of a history lesson, before his next event he was to describe. The book relates well to the study of Holocaust “the new govermen...

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