The Best People I Changed By Leslie Soberanis

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On an ordinary day, Leslie opens the main door of her house, when she walked inside she saw her mom and sister Islla sitting on the coach. Islla was crying, and Leslie ask her “What happened?’ Why you crying?’”. Islla told her that she is pregnant and that she wants to keep the baby even if her boyfriend will be against the baby, but she will need to drop out from her University. In a few minutes of thinking, Leslie decided and told her sister “You don’t need to drop out I will help you to babysit with my nephew.” One of the greatest people I ever met is Leslie Soberanis. Leslie is 19 years old Hispanic girl that try to help people in critical situations. She is 5ft 1-inch-tall, brown eyes that have always counter line make-up around them, and dark hair. Leslie said that she has been living in Chicago since “I was born here.” Leslie is a fourth child in her family, she is a youngest from all of the girls. Her personality is the very quiet girl who tries to be very polite to everyone that she knows. She likes to run a lot, every time when you call her she always running. Also, she likes to be with her family at home relaxing. Right now …show more content…

Leslie has a very busy schedule she doesn 't even have time to go and relax with her friends. I will say her schedule is detailed to the hour. She something to do different every hour. On The morning she always goes to university to take her classes. After it, she comes home very quick and starts babysitting with her nephew. Her nephew is 2 years old and sometimes he goes to sleep during that time of babysitting Leslie studies for her classes and plan what she will do tomorrow. One time her mom told her to quit her part-time job and she will pay her babysitting with her nephew. But Leslie chooses different idea “I ask myself a question why I will take money from my mom If I have a part-time job.” She chooses to stay with it and her

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