Why Do We Eat Together

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In modern time, with advanced technologies, people are having a higher standard of living than before. They make more money and use high level technologies to make their lives more comfortable, but at the same time more isolate. Also, as a survey by Lifehacker, over 37 presents of the total votes reported that they worked 41 to 50 hours per week(Pash, 2012). Direct effects of the overworking are that people have no time to regularly eat dinner with their family. For this phenomenon, some people think that is not important to eat together because they can save time to have a good rest. However, in my opinion, I believe that we need to regularly eat together, and eating together has more benefits than people who are eating alone. First of all, …show more content…

It can help to make a nutritious meal structure. According to a study by the University of Minnesota in 2007, they surveyed more than 1500 students during high school until they grow up to 20 years old. The result showed that students who often ate with their family would eat more fruit, dark-green and orange vegetables, and drank less soft drink.. Moreover, when we cooked by ourselves, we can decide what to do. This is very important for our health. Although the food in the restaurant is good but it can also bring more fat and calorie. The principal food of a lot of restaurant is fried. For instance, the French fries are one of the most popular potato foods in the United States. However, if we look at the nutrition facts of McDonalds French fries, it can bring 380 calories and 19 gram fats! It means that a serving of French fries can offer almost one-third of the daily fat value. Even if we will visit Asia restaurants which offer seemingly healthy food, we still eat more meat than vegetables. As we know that obesity problem is very common in the modern world. Obesity will increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and so on. So, if we choose eating dinner at home, we can cook more vegetables. It can bring mineral, vitamin and fiver. The nutritional value is more than meat and fried food. Besides, eating dinner with the family can also help to control weight. Many people like chatting while they eat. This way can slow down their eating so the brain can stop them before eat too much. As a consequence, choosing our own recipes and eating dinner with our family is excellent way to keep

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