The Benefits Of Virtual Reality

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The purpose of this paper is to explain how virtual reality is used in everyday life. It is used in many ways in today's society. Several people immediately think of video games or entertainment when they hear virtual reality. Virtual reality is not only used for entertainment purposes but it is also used for medical and educational purposes. It can help people overcome their fears, deal with and treat social anxiety, and it can also be a helpful teaching tool to connect students and teachers in long-distance learning. Background The main goal of virtual reality is to take its user into a virtual world. It provides a virtual space where almost everything is possible. Virtual reality works by tricking the parts of the brain that perceive motion. …show more content…

Virtual reality can be used as an educational tool to assist not only students but teachers as well. Another major benefit of virtual reality is its use in the healthcare field. It can be used to treat several medical conditions such as anxiety disorders, mental health issues such as phobias, and it can even be used as a pain reliever (Matheison, 2017). Virtual reality can be used to help people face their fears. The University of Oxford used virtual reality to help patients overcome a fear of heights (Mathieson, 2017, p. 19). A virtual environment was created where the patients were standing at the edge of a balcony looking down and a virtual guide was giving them instructions (Mathieson, 2017, p. 19). Using virtual reality in this way allows people to face their fears in a safe environment. By placing them in a virtual environment, it allows them to encounter a virtual copy of what they fear most which will hopefully give them encouragement to face the real thing at some point in the near …show more content…

Virtual reality can be used to virtually take two people’s DNA to create a virtual embryo to get an idea of how the child’s health, physical characteristics, as well as other factors, will be (de Lange, 2014). The technology not only looks for genetic disorders but it also provides physical traits. This is an ethical concern because rather than using this technology strictly for its intended use, screening genetic disorders, it might be used for more superficial reasons (de Lange, 2014). The decision to have a child should not be based on superficial reasons like what their eye color or skin color would be. It should be based more on if the people who desire to have a child are mentally, physically, and financially ready to take on the huge responsibility of taking care of children and giving them the best possible chance to succeed in this

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