The Benefits Of Non Profit Companies

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Profit is defined as “the monetary surplus left to a producer or employer after deducting wages, rent, cost of materials, etc.” (“Def.”). The debate over this gain being good or bad has brought up so many arguments over the years. You would think that profit is always good because everyone knows you have to have money to survive in our economy. But as Christians we have a little bit different of a perspective. In the book of Philippians, 2:3-4, it is written, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others.” The problem today is whether the firm or company is benefiting only itself in all aspects …show more content…

While some companies, take for instance any producer that uses sweatshops in order to obtain the most profit by using the cheapest labor is wrong in so many ways. They continually take advantage of the work ethic in people who need the money in many third-world countries due bad safety regulations. This is a big reason why profit is seen as evil. The reason behind obtaining revenue is more important than the people actually producing the output in this situation.
This topic, however, made me think of how non-profit organizations are looked at. Any foundation that gives back is always going to be looked at highly because it’s more appealing to our hearts. Society is going to support the needy even if they aren’t Christians not because they feel convicted but because they have a conscience. We see non-profit organizations as better because they’re going to benefit society. I completely agree that non-profit …show more content…

It is spoken of many times in the Bible to be compassionate towards those less fortunate than us. Now no one says we have to give up everything to give to the poor but different scenarios in the bible show such drastic measures because that is what it took to show their faith and show whether they truly believed in what they were doing. Giving everything might be your way of glorifying Him and showing selflessness but, it isn’t the way for everyone. Wealth does not show how blessed a person is, the way they go about their financial situation is. The one with little to nothing could have more faith than the rich man who seems to be so blessed. This is all just a matter of spiritual poverty and wealth. But the human eye cannot see such things, only the One with mighty power can see where we stand in our faith. While watching The Biblical Money Code by a man named Sean Hyman, founder of Ultimate Wealth Report, I learned a few things that pertain to my topic. He has come up with a step by step plan to build yourself a foundation and then multiply your income through investments. He uses a different method than most because he bases his ways through biblical stories and ideas from the Bible. He says that “Many people misquote ‘money is the root of all evil’ but in his letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul actually says ‘the love of

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