The Battle Of The Chosin Reservoir

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The Battle of the Chosin Reservoir was a pivotal battle in the Korean War. The battle was a brutal 17 day fight in bitterly cold weather fought from 27 November to 13 December 1950. During the battle the United States X Corps was attacked by the Chinese 9th Army in the vicinity of the Chosin reservoir. The Chinese forces quickly surrounded the US troops and forced them to fight a retrograde attack in order to fight their way out to friendly lines to the south. Due to poor Chinese intelligence on UN forces and logistical shortcomings the UN forces were able to evade total annihilation and were able to retreat to safety with the majority of their men and equipment intact.
By the summer of 1950 after the successful landing at Inchon by the US X Corps which led to the destruction of the North Korean Army the Korean War seemed to be in the final phases of completion. United Nations (UN) forces spearheaded by the US Eighth army and X Corps were advancing northward with the goal of completely reuniting North and South Korea. The Taebaek Mountains which are an extremely rugged north –south oriented mountain range divide Korea. The UN forces split in to two groups during their advance with the Eighth Army advancing along the west coast and the US X Corps moving north along the east coast. On 19 October 1950 after repeated warnings to the United Nations Massive amounts of Chinese Forces crossed the border into North Korea. After several minor skirmishes with X Corps, the Chinese Peoples Volunteer Army (PVA) decisively engaged the US X Corps in the vicinity of Chosin Reservoir.
Chosin Reservoir is a man-made lake located in the northeast of the Korean peninsula. The battle was fought over some of the roughest terrain d...

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...nd enabled the UN forces to utilize that combat power elsewhere to strategic advantage later in the conflict. This denied the Chinese the momentum to advance south of the 38th Parallel. The action of X Corps and in particular the 1st Marine Division also galvanized other UN forces and was a great moral victory for the US forces. The outcome of battle was shaped by a lack of accurate intelligence on both sides of the battle. Logistically the Chinese were unprepared to support a force the size of the 9Th PVA and lost a number of soldiers to the bitter cold weather due to them being ill-equipped. Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) is a crucial step in the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) and is vital to mission success. Had the proper importance been placed on analyzing the Chinese threat, the outcome of the Korean War might have been different.

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