The American Dream In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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Upton Sinclair’s story, The Jungle, represents the American dream to have a rich, successful life and the downfalls American people faced with business corruption. Sinclair used a naturalistic view to expose these downfalls in American life and industry. Naturalism was a literary movement during the 1880’s to the 1930’s that emphasized detailed realism. Naturalistic writers thus used a version of the scientific method to write their novels. Writers applied Social Darwinism into their works. Emerging in the United States around 1870, the theory applied biological ideas of survival of the fittest and natural selection to society and politics. It suggests that people were victims of poor social conditions, economics, heredity, and environments …show more content…

Europeans were flooding into the United States in search of the American dream, the dream of a better, simpler life with easier riches. Unfortunately, these new comers were bound to a life of hard labor, dangerous jobs, and insufficient salaries. These immigrants lived in overcrowded, run-down tenement houses that had no clean water or proper sewage, offering a cheap source of labor. Sinclair’s story emphasizes the life of a Lithuanian immigrant, Jurgis, who moves to American in search for a better life for him and his family. When he arrives, he finds a job in the meatpacking industry, run by uncaring, corrupt businessmen. Being paid a very minimum amount of money, the family finds itself in a life of …show more content…

Here, the population was booming, cities were growing, and factories expanding. Along with all the growth came the horrors. Overcrowding in cities led to unsanitary tenement houses, uncleanliness lead to disease, and livelihoods turned into corruption. Sinclair portrays Jurgis as a man engaged in a brutal struggle. Jurgis must survive the “lawless jungle” where only the most fit succeed. Jurgis is treated like a slave, someone that could easily be replaced, run by the brutal slave driver, his boss. When he falls ill, seen as unfit to continue working, he loses his job forcing him to live a life of a hobo. His environment forced him to become a conman to

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