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Northern Thailand has a typical monsoon climate, but since it lies well North of the equator. It does experience marked seasonal temperature variations.
The ‘wet season’ monsoon rains start in late May or early June and continue until October. Temperatures in the lowlands are around 32 degrees in the mid-afternoon, falling to a minimum of around 23 degrees at night. It rains on most days but rarely continuously. In August and September, typhoons sometimes occur. With heavy rain, thunderstorms and high winds for three of four days.
In the ‘cool season’ from early November to February, humid tropical air from the Indian ocean gives way to cold, dry air originating in Central Asia to the North. The sky is generally cloudless all day, and rain is very unlikely - perhaps one showers a month. From December, many of the trees lose their leaves as a protection against drought, and the lush greens of the countryside give way to sombre browns.
The ‘hot season’ is mercifully short - from mid March to late May. Daytime temperatures approach 40 degrees, and humidity increases. This is really hot and the locals get bombarded with tourists at this time of year, even thow it is relevantly short.
Natural resources
In Thailand there are a number of different natural resources that can be provided by the land. Things such as tin, lead, lignite, gypsum and fluorite can be dug out of the ground in a number of different locations around the beautiful country. Oil is the most i...

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