Tenets Of Transcendentalism

816 Words2 Pages

Simon Song English S+ 201711/27 Mr. Biggar
Follow your soul, For a better you, For a better Society Transcendentalism, a 19th century movement of writers that developed in New
England, taught that divinity pervades all nature and humanity. The major belief and tenets of Transcendentalism are Nature equals to god, we should live close to god, because it is our teacher. Also, it emphasizes of self reliance, our natural instinct will guide us to do right things. The transcendentalist writers believed in society is the corruption, people are born pure, but society misguides us. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are central figures of transcendentalism. By following the nature’s rule of nature as a teacher, one can learn true self reliance …show more content…

The crucial point of transcendentalism is that nature equals to god for it is our greatest teacher. Nature is emblematic, and by understanding nature, one can be brought closer to god. In other words, Nature equals to god. The word Nature, God, Universe all have the same definition. In Emerson’s essay “Nature”, there is a perfect quote that shows that nature is a teacher to all people and scholars. Let us ask, what is the extent of nature? Emerson has an answer for this question: “All science has one aim, namely, to find a theory of nature” (Nature, Introduction (10)). We have theories of almost everything, thanks to the scholars and scientists, however we barely make an approach toward the idea of creation. We took a wrong path, going away from the road, that religious scholars hate each other. The most abstract truth is the …show more content…

According to Emerson, society is a barrier against the individuality of its members, and he continued; "Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity” (Emerson). In this quote, Emerson compares society as a joint stock company. Society is a governing institution that chooses for you what is acceptable thinking and what is not. In society, individualism is counted as a threat to it. The self reliant thinker has no room in society as society only requires ones that are not self reliant. Society asks for conformity, which kills individualism. It matches to the tenet of transcendentalism, the idea of society is the corruption. Perhaps,

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