Teen Activism Essay

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What do you think of when you hear teenager? Do you think of girls, going out into the mall shopping? Maybe you think of boys, sitting at home, playing video games. If that is what you think of, you need to get your facts straight. Teens in this world are being more productive than you probably are right now, just sitting here reading this. There are teen activists all over with a passion for this, and they're making teen activism big. What is teen activism? What does it take to become a teen activist? Just look around. They’re all over. John F. Kennedy once said “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” To begin with, teen activism is like a puzzle. There are all of these pieces and you need to put them in the right spot …show more content…

Going further, Malala Yousafzai, a young girl (age 20 as of today, about 15 when she spoke out) who just wanted everyone to be equal spoke out for equal women's/girl’s rights even if she knew she would have to pay. According to an interview with John Stewart, Malala was shot in the head at age 15 for becoming an icon and role model for others. She spoke out for what she believed in and almost died from a bullet to the head, on her way home from school. She got shot yet she still spoke out. She knew the danger, but she still worked hard to fight for what she believed in. She was …show more content…

All with their two hands. Scratch that. They build supporters so that they aren’t in this alone. They get others involved. For example, Malala started the Malala Fund, a charity that raises money for girls rights. She got those supporters, and now they can help out whenever they want. She isn’t the only one though. For instance, Craig Kielburger created Free The Children, now known as WECHARITY. Free the Children was once known as a charity to, well, free the children. However, WECHARITY is different. WECHARITY raises money for schools, for example school supplies or building new schools. They have that base, and now they can get that extra help. They made a difference. They start a movement. Protests, meetings, fundraisers, they get everyone

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